Thursday, March 31, 2011


Salam kenkawan.  Mokcik tengah bertungkus lumus menjadi pekerja yang produktif hahaha.

I will be back blogging later. Meanwhile, enjoy these cartoons.  Credits to Dave


All cartoons : credit to

Have a nice day all

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Kisah Hadi lagi...kita tengok gambar2 jer la ya..

Tengok Mii...ada kudish Mi...

Ini gambar awal pagi tadi...masa mokcik nak ke tempat kerja, dia masih lena tidur..
Kesian dia...semoga cepat sembuh Hadi...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Salam kenkawan.

Been busy. After PD, i took 3 days leave and spent the school holiday with the family in KT. KT was raining nite and day. According to MIL, it has been like that ever since the tsunami hit Japan. Baru saja masuk kerja, have to take emergency leave yesterday. Hadi is having a high fever. However, it was only late in the evening that all the rashes come out. Thankfully, after taking medication for fever, Hadi slept well. I am amazed that he is not complaining or scratching the rashes... He is just being his usual self. The only problem now is who to take care of him for the next 10 days.  I cant send him to Taska. So, today big brother Asan has to ponteng sekolah to take care of Hadi.    Pity Hadi...hope he will get well soon.

I remembered  so far, paling teruk kena chicken pox ialah cik abe sometime in 2004.  Memang teruk sangat sampai muka pun dah bengkak macam alien.  Dalam tiga empat hari jugalah dia tak boleh tidur dan mengongoi2 menahan kesakitan.  Hanya selepas seorang kawan mengsyorkan cik abe menggunakan jelly gamat dan menyapu keseluruh badan, barulah cik abe boleh tidur.  Masa itu, semua anak-anak juga terkena jangkitan campak tapi tak teruk. Hanya mokcik dan Jaja [ yang baru berumur beberapa bulan masa itu] yang tak kena. Mokcik juga mengelak dari mendekati cik abe kerana kalau mokcik juga kena, huru hara la keluarga nanti kerana semua jatuh sakit sekali gus.  Alhamdulillah, kami berdua tak kena. Bila sembuh, memang teruk juga parut pada cik abe...berbulan2 juga masa untuk fully heal.  

Jaja pulak kena demam campak masa berumur dalam 4 tahun.  Masa itu memang agak teruk juga keadaan dia. Campak Jaja pulak lain fesyennya. Biasanya ia rashes kecik2 yang ada air macam melecur.  Yang Jaja alami ini, blister besar2 sebesar duit syiling 50 sen.  Bayangkan bila blister itu pecah dan meninggalkan bekas yang agak besar jugak...memang pedih gilerr.. Memang sayu betul tengok keadaan Jaja masa tu...mujur tiada parut, walaupun kalau ikutkan keadaan blister tu memang besar.  Doktor kata ada jangkitan, sebab tu instead of small rashes, Jaja alami lain dan teruk pulak.

Oh dear... lupa pulak...hari isnin tempohari hari lahir anak dara mokcik yang pertama. Nur Aini Amirah, genap 9 tahun.  Mokcik forgo trip ke KT demi untuk bersama anak-anak pada hari isnin. Tak apalah sebab kes itu pegawai lain pun boleh jalankan juga. Cuma as usual la kan kalau ada peluang nak balik ke KT mesti nak. Boleh jugak jumpa Usop dan kemas rumah sikit-sikit. 

Kek untuk Aini..chocolate Indulgence

Masa ini Hadi masih steady lagi. By late night, dia sudah mula demam panas.

Ok lah kenkawan. gotta go now. Have a nice day all...

Friday, March 11, 2011


Helooo all...


Today we are going somewhere. For conference.

The dinner's theme, "Wild Wild West"!
Ayooo...pening...what should i wear???


Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Tell me what is your cause of action?"

Salam kenkawan.

Haven't had the time to update my blog for sometime, though , thank goodness still managed to do blog walking.  I have just came back from attending a three days course somewhere in Bangi. Very interesting topics were discussed, that is about electronics evidence. Somehow it doesnt really describe the actual course which mainly were about gathering evidence and the challenges faced by the IO and  the prosecutors in trying to prove a crime done thru the internet. In short, internet crime. 

Pernah dengar the Megan Meier case? Megan Meier adalah seorang gadis berumur 13 tahun. Megan telah berkenalan dengan seorang budak lelaki mengaku sebagai Joshua berumur 16 tahun. Megan telah menceritakan kepada Joshua mengenai pergaduhannya dengan kawan sekolahnya. Joshua memberi sokongan kepada Megan. Tiba-tiba pada suatu hari Joshua telah membuat posting mengatakan dia tidak menyukai Megan, Megan bersalah, sebenarnya rakan sekolahnya betul dan lain2 lagi. Akibatnya Mega telah membunuh dirinya.

The sad thing about this case, it was later found out that actually "Joshua" was the identity taken by the mother of Megan's schoolmate. Apparently the friend told her mother of what had happened and the mother had laid a plot to hurt Megan by pretending to be Joshua. 

This incident led to the drafting of the Megan Meier Anti Bully Act in the US. 

Anyway, after attending the course yesterday..hari ini mokcik ada tugasan di Mahkamah Rayuan pulak. Dekat seminggu juga mokcik bersengkang mata nak menyiapkan diri untuk menghadapi kes ini. Pagi tadi seawal jam 8.30 pagi sudah terpacak di mahkamah. The other party only turned in court around 11.30 am...adusss... And the officer in charge keep calling other see they call the case according to the list.. My case was supposed to be called first, but instead he called other cases first...

My case was finally called at 12.15 pm. The appellant present his case. The Judges posed this question to him.."What is your cause of action?" "Show us what is your cause of action" ..which of course he could not answer for that was the very reason why we applied for his case to be struck out in the high court. 

"No need to answer. We dismissed the appeal with cost."

alahai...prepare bagai nak rak, tapi tak payah submit pulak. In a way it is good, but somehow, after all the preparation, sometimes, teringin jugak nak submit kan hehehe...Tak apalah berjaya dapat kos.

Esok mokcik bercuti. Nak jaga Hadi. Dia demam panas. Doktor kata kena jangkitan kuman. Dah hampir sebulan selsemanya tak sembuh2. Kena makan antibiotik. Doktor kata balik semula dalam tempoh dua hari. Kalau tak kena pi hospital.

Have a nice day all..