Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Salam kenkawan and selamat sejahtera

Last two weeks Mokcik was on leave for 3 days. On wednesday, 14 March at around 5 pm while on the way back to putrajaya, Mokcik received a call.

"Hello puan. Puan, esok puan ada kes tak?"
"Tak ada. Kenapa?"
"Esok boleh tak puan datang beri sokongan moral kat saya?"

"Kenapa? Ada masalah?"
"Esok A dengan B tak ada. Hakim arahkan kita berhujah tentang bla bla bla.."
" Habis tu?"
"itulah takut Hakim tu tak percaya kat saya. Minta tolong puan hujah."
"Boleh, tapi awak sediakanlah hujah dan otoritinya. But why? As if it will make a difference if i submit and u submit"
"Hujah dah siap puan, tinggal nak minta tolong puan submit jer."

Around 9.55 pm,  masa kat Karak, Mokcik received a call from A.

"Hello puan. C bagi tahu saya puan yang akan submit esok?"
"Yeaahh... where will be both of u (A and B)?"
"saya cuti esok puan."
"Well.. kes ini saya tak tahu hujung pangkalnya. Kalau nak saya berlakon utk sampaikan hujahan, saya ok. dengan syarat hujahan dah siap lah. C kata dia dah siapkan."
"Bila dia siapkan hujahan?"
"Entah..all i know is that he told me just now 'hujahan dah siap'"
"Camni lah, saya rasa untuk isu ini puan hujahkan macam ni ..bla bla bla" 

Mokcik menadah telinga jer la..dalam kereta, dgn Hadi dok kat riba mokcik..camno nak ambil nota kan.. kan ..kan..

Anyway, nak kata Mokcik ni terror sangat, takde la.. setakat berani nak berlakon masa nak sampaikan hujahan tu, boleh la. Tapi, ada syaratnya. kenalah sediakan point2 untuk Mokcik sampaikan. 

Esok paginya, awal2 pagi lagi mokcik bertolak ke Jalan Duta.  Mokcik memang pergi dengan sehelai sepinggang jer. Sebab, kes tersebut memang Mokcik tak terlibat langsung dari awal penyediaannya hingga ke perbicaraannya. Namun, atas nama kawan dan juga semangat berpasukan, Mokcik boleh bertolak ansur. Masuk2 je dalam court room, Mokcik nampak C sedang menghadap laptop.

"Hah..mana hujahannya?" 
"Saya tengah buat puan."
"Kata semalam dah siap."
"Semalam tak sempat buat puan, semua orang dah pengsan (penat). Saya dapat dua kes. Ini pun lepas telefon DPP."

Dia pun tunjukkan beberapa kes. Dalam bentuk loose copy. Tiada apa-apa tandaan di mana muka surat mahu di rujuk.

"macammana nak apply kes ni?"
"hah puan tengok sini..yang ini..bla bla bla.. hah puan baca lah. Saya nak ambil robe dan jaket puan dalam kereta."

Mokcik menjenguk ke laptop yang dihadapnya tadi. Terdapat lima baris ayat sahaja pada skrin laptop. LIMA baris sahaja wokayyy..

Mokcik sudah mula merasa tidak sedap hati.

Kes akan bermula jam 9.30 pagi. Ni dah nak masuk jam 9. Takkan baru lima baris ayat? Semalam bukan main lagi kata, hujahan sudah siap.

seakan memahami, Mokcik menerima mesej daripada A. A memberikan beberapa pointer untuk dihujahkan. Tak lama kemudian C masuk.

"Mana Rules of the High Court, Akta Keterangan dan Akta Rahsia Rasmi?"
"Ntahlah, buku2 saya semua tak tahu mana dorang letak. Saya dah suruh dorang susun elok2 dalam kotak."

Mokcik menarik nafas panjang. Mokcik duduk kat kerusi  dan mula membaca kes-kes yang ditunjukkan sebentar tadi.

9.30 pagi, kes dipanggil dalam kamar. 

Now, it has been the norm in court, no matter how many times you have appeared before the same judge, to always introduce the counsels present for the day. 

Bagi rakan sejawat, hendaklah diperkenalkan mengikut jawatannya misalnya.. 

"Saya, Ahmad bin Ali, peguam kanan persekutuan hadir bersama Nora binti Ismail, Peguam kanan Persekutuan bagi pihak plaintif dan rakan-rakan bijaksana saya Karim bin Jalil bersama Rahmat bin Seman bagi pihak Defendan-Defendan."

So, i was shock when C introduced me to the Judge as, "My boss"... What the hell is going on here.. I was starting to smell something..

When the case was about to start, the Judge was asking about some of the documents which our side wanted to tender as evidence. Naturally the other side are objecting to this. Mind you, this was the first time i was involved in this case. and i came on the request by C, 'to give moral support'.  

The Judge asked who is going to submit on the issue and C pointed to me!! 

Luckily, with the pointers given by A and  by using all the acting and advocacy skills that i have gathered all these years, i managed to persuade the judge to at least let the issue be opened for further arguments. 

all the while C was just sitting there, not even contributing any ideas or pointers to help me in my argument.

Ok..Mokcik..tarik nafas dalam2...sabar..sabar..

Fine.. one hurdle is over, for the time being... So, C started to call his  next witness. He didn't even give me a copy of the witness statement. So, i just kept quiet and listen to  his examination in chief and the witness giving evidence. After C finished asking question, suddenly he asked me, "Puan ada apa-apa nak soal?" . 

Apa cer?? Ini kali pertama Mokcik melihat saksi tersebut dan tak pernah bertemubual dengannya sebelum ini, tiba-tiba Mokcik nak menyoal dia?? Nak cari penyakit ker apa??

Ok.. tak habis lagi. Mokcik geleng kepala. Selepas itu giliran peguam pulak menyoal balas saksi.

"Puan, saya nak duduk kat belakang. Nak tengok loyer ni buat soalan bodoh" 

Ok, up to you, mokcik berkata dalam hati.

During Cross examination, we will normally take notes of the question and answer and immediately put a big star and preferably write the question that we would  want the witness to clarify later. This can only be done if the file officer him or herself jot down the notes.  Unless you are a very very very experienced lawyer and you know the case inside out, then perhaps you can cross examine or re-examine a witness  without rreferring to the notes.   Even though i am not familiar with the facts of the case and i dont know what my learned friend C strategies are, i automatically started to take notes and write down questions that might need further clarification later.

At the same time, i was secretly planning my escape route! 

The other side finished his cross examination at 1.19 pm. The Judge asked whose going to do the re -examination. I immediately pin point to C. C who was sitting at the back stammered and told the Judge, " I will need to discuss the question with my boss". The moment i heard the word "my boss", i bite my lips. No one in their right mind would address your colleague as 'my boss' in court. Even if it is true. Even the most junior officer  understood this. 

The judge insisted on everybody to come back at 2.15 pm. 

During lunch, i ate quietly while perusing the notes i have taken during cross examination. I overheard C telling the witnesses, " Kita bagi otai buat re-examination". 

 Upon reaching the courtroom, i took my robe and told C, "Am going back to the office."

"Puan, janganlah tinggalkan saya."
"I  need to see our boss about  some urgent matter. Anyway, am not that familiar with this case, but perhaps u should re-examine this witness on these issues... bla bla bla... ok good luck."

Kawan-kawan lain yang dah terkena dengan cara dia mungkin tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan dia. Tapi, bagi mokcik, dia terlupa satu perkara. Mokcik mungkin kawan dia, tapi Mokcik juga Ketua Unit dia.. You ask for my help, i can give it. Tapi tidak bermakna kamu boleh melepaskan tanggungjawab kamu sepenuhnya kepada orang lain... 

Actually, memang mokcik sentap sangat sangat dengan cara C.. ini sudah namanya nak mendajalkan kawan sendiri. He has forgotten one thing, though.  I would not let anyone make a fool of myself and i dont intend to make myself look like a fool.  

When i told A what happened then only he confessed that they too have been a victim.

"Kami dah beberapa kali terkangkang, termalu dalam court puan.. tapi walaupun hati saya sakit, saya tak sampai hati pulak nak tinggalkan dia."

"Maknanya kamu lebih baik lagi la.. I tak peduli tadi. I terus tinggalkan dia. He is the file officer, and he has no excuse for treating his friends like this."   

Anyway, this happened last two weeks. C had come seeking advice from me about the case later. Memang mokcik basuh dia betul2.. we are all his friends and we are willing to help him, but he has no excuse for treating us like he did. it was his fault that he was not well prepared for the case.. in this kind of case, one must be well prepared to able handle the pressure  from the other side.One must be prepared to anticipate the issues that may arise in the course of trial. 

Just last week, we got news that C got an offer for promotion. He is going to move on to a different department. When he told me about it, i told him, it is about time to move on to new things as he always had been complaining about being 'burnt out'. Though we are going to miss him, (we cant deny the fact that he has always been a good officer   all these while, with the exceptions of this particular case ), i think it is in his best interest that he took the offer. it is a promotion after all and at least he have a chance to 'rest' for a while from doing litigation work which he have been doing for the past five years.

Itu la kisah kes Sentap Mokcik untuk kali ini.. sekian. terima kasih.


  1. panjang sungguh kisah sentap ni..so sy paham la kenapa akak sentap sgt.nak mintak tolong buta la cara betul..jgn la dr nak tolong dia kita nampak mcm bodoh pulak.

    1. Irfa..memang sentapp sangat.. ni pun dekat dua minggu peram cerita ni bagi mengurangkan sikit kesentapan itu hehehe..

  2. Azwa...baca cerita you ni, kalau I kat tempat u pun, memang sentap lah...boleh bertukar jadi naga nih...tak pasal2 mcm kes kita pulak..ni bukan moral support dah ni....tapi good thing Azwa cakap direct dgn dia...sekurang-kurangnya dia tau apa yang dia buat tu salah...

    tapi azwa, u sure otai punya kan sebab tu dia cari u last minute tu...dia tau, u sure boleh handle punya...tapi tu lah, silap strategi pulak dah...ha ha ha..

    see u Azwa...

  3. hehehehe azwa,

    if i were you, dah lama kena tinggal, masa baca 5 baris lagi dah kena tinggal

    i think he need to accept the offer :) tak lah burnt out!

    1. Ummi,

      I could have left him earlier but the amount at stake is too high.. i could not just let us down, you and all the other taxpayers.. if we lose, we have to pay millions of our hard earned money. So, instead, i decided to fight and main wayang a bit, as Sifu Lee put it hahaha..

      as for the second part ( the re-examination), i could not be blamed for that because i have followed the golden rule that is.. Never ask question that you do not know the answer already.

      Yeah, i think so too..it is for his own good pun

  4. wahwahwahhh..jangankan makcik yang kena, saya yang baca ni pon nai angin dan sentap seyyyy... ni bukan kategoru tolong kawan dah ni kategori mendajal kawan. ish2.. tapi memana opis pon ada je parasit yang macam ni mokcik, part amik nama dia dulu le yang kedepan, bila ada problem, kepala kita dihulurnya. mmmm... entah le macam2 dunia sekarang ni. so, hope mokcik takde hot2 & spicy lagi dah. pi le cool kan diri dengan coconut shake fav mokcik tu. hehehhee.... peace!

    1. Kan Leeya kan... sentap sehhhh... hahaha..

      itulah problemnya gerai jual coconut shake tu dah pindah la pulaks.. kalau tak boleh gak coolkan kesentapan mokcik dgn coconut shake tu hehehe..

  5. Marie,

    memang mak sentappss habes uu.. mana taknya, ni kes seolah2 nak pi pergi tapi tak dibekalkan cukup peluru.

    hehehe macam sifu Lee kita kata la Marie..kalau bab berlakon tu takde masalah, Azwa tak kesah membantu tapi paling penting sekali, dia kenalah bantu kita juga berikan isi. Kalau cukup point2 tu, cara nak berlakon tu serahkanlah pada i hehehhe..tu ok lah. Tapi kalau nak lepas tangan terus, where got road kan..

    Apa pun, la ni dah ok semula dah..at least dia sedar kesalahan dia tu dan paling penting dia tahu jangan coba2 nak ulangi lagi kesilapan itu.. hehe peace...

  6. aisey...

    sebenarnya nak kata, ni kes macam nak pergi perang, tapi tak dibekalkan cukup peluru hehehe..

  7. Assalamualaikum Mokcik... memanglah sentap kalau kena pedajal dgn kawan yang nak mintak kita tolong ... sedangkan kita berniat utk menolongnya..

    1. Wassalam Kak anie..

      Sentap habes kak.. tak sangka dia sanggup buat camtu kat kami. anyway, dah diselesaikan dah perkara ni lepas azwa berterus terang dengan dia.

  8. Azwa

    U r such a good boss indeed. Mmg bila staff minta moral supprt kita kena bantu tapi bukan suapkan semua ke mulutnya tapi bagi dia sudu supaya dia tahu cam ne nak suap..

    All the best azwa.. Jangan sentap lg tau :-)

    Zareda norman

    1. Zar,

      Memang dah tugas kita memberikan bantuan pada pegawai bawah jagaan kita, tapi janganlah expect semua benda kita pulak yang buat kan. Dorang pun kena contribute jugakan, especially jikalau tugasan itu memang telah diamanahkan untuk mereka.

      Lepas basuh kwn tu tempohari..dah hilang dah kesentapan mokcik hehehe..

  9. assalam azwa..kalau tak peram 2 minggu..tak tau la..panjang mana pulak ni kan..tapi tak pe..azwa dah biat yang terbaik.

    1. Salam Kak Erna.. hehehe..kena sejuk2kan dulu..kalau tak kata2 yang digunakan lebih keras lagi..so, sengaja cool down sikit hehehe..

  10. Betapa mereka perlukan Azwa. Nampak sangat support dari Azwa masih diperlukan oleh mereka semua tu...

    1. Kakzakie, kalau ikutkan mereka ni lebih Otai dari azwa.. sebab dorang dah berada lama di Bahagian ini berbanding azwa. Cuma kelebihan sikit pada azwa ialah latihan daripada tugas sebelumnya yang membuatkan kita lebih berani utk berhadapan dengan hakim serta lawan di mahkamah.

      Tapi itulah seotai mana pun kalau persediaan tidak mencukupi memang susahlah.. apapun azwa masih bersyukur kerana semangat berpasukan kami masih utuh sungguhpun ada sesekali muncul karakter macam ni..

  11. Azwa,sabar je,it takes all sorts to make a world and you meet all kinds in your daily life may it be at work or elsewhere. The important thing is that you stand by your principles and got out of an embarassing situation before it gets outta hand.Well done. Regards AL MAL.

    1. Uncle Al,

      InsyaAllah uncle.. Kawan tu pun nampaknya dah sedar kesilapan dia. Paling penting dia dah tahu, next time dont try to do the same stunt again.. kalau dia cuba2 juga lakukan, memang nak kena la tu.

      Pasal getting out of an embarassing situation tu, memang kena bijak la menyusun strategi..kena main wayang macam Sifu Lee selalu ajarkan tu hehehe

      have a nice day uncle.

  12. Hi Mokcik, even though my bahasa out of tune I enjoyed reading this posting.
    Wow! Love your style.....And your humour.
    Was just thinking if I'd continued doing law instead of going into business, and we meet in court, opposite sides, saya main wayang, stand in front macham main tai chi, ha ha..
    Ha ha ha, make you hot, bang the mejah...."what are you talking about..."? Ha ha ha.
    Mokick, I sure love your style. Wayyyyyy to go!

    1. Lee,

      During this incident, memang mokcik really banyak main wayang... he tried to tai chi his work to me, in the end i tai chi balik to him hahaha..

      One of the counsel for the other side in this case really is being difficult. One must be brave enough to be rude to him to make him respect us. i suspect that is one reason why my friend asked me to come 'gave him moral support' hahaha..

      Should have been fun main wayang in court with you Lee.. with your flair for language haha..sure i kena kerja keras to outwit you hahaha..

      have a nice day Lee.

  13. wah... bagusnya tolong menolong antara satu sama lain... semangat kerja berpasukan...

    1. hehe..biasalah satu unit kena la tolong menolong kan..

  14. panjang tul entry kali ni

    tersentap pB baca

    he he he
