Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Salam kenkawan. 

Just a quick updates. I will continue later.

Monday was supposed to go somewhere. Feeling not well and went to see Doctor. Doctor said.."BP 158/90, are you on medication?".  Ouch... i was, for few years. When i was serving in Ipoh. 

Masa di sana, dalam sebulan itu tidak sah kalau sekurang-kurang sekali akan ada incident cik abe terpaksa menghantar mokcik ke Hospital... memang kenangan sungguh masa tu. Ada sekali tengah duduk2 di pejabat, terasa kepala pening sangat. Ke hospital sempat drive sendiri, terus doktor tahan di wad. Sempat mokcik buat entry kisah kena tahan wad dekat lima hari beberapa tahun dulu. Sayangnya dah delete la pulak entry itu.. Gara-gara peristiwa itu, sebulan mokcik berpantang makan segala makanan yang berlemak..hanya makan sup2 sahaja. Tujuannya mengurangkan kolestrol dan menurunkan tekanan darah.    

After i was transferred to KT... gradually my bp went back to normal. No more early morning incident of hubby has to send me to hospital. Alhamdulillah. 

So, i was quite surprise when doctor said my bp is on the high side..ayoyoo... dah la bulan puasa.

"Mungkin you menghadapi tekanan kerja kot?" Doktor itu menduga.
Well...i guess so. This few weeks, two of my officers were not available. One went on maternity leave, another one was transferred to another unit. Both officers cases have to be taken over by us and it just so happened most of their files are problematics files...aduhaiii.. My officers and I have to work harder to overcome the problems and i guess these contribute to the unseen 'stress' that  caused my bp to go hay wire.

My colleague has to stand in for me to apply for a short adjournment of my case and he was asked by the Judge, "What's wrong with this lady?".  Suddenly, it reminds me of Ipoh and the question i got from one Judge who asked me the same question, "What's wrong with you?" when i have to apply for short adjournment once.

He kept quiet when i answered, "Hypertension, Yang Arif." 

It certainly have been a long time .. i guess it is time for me to MUHASABAH DIRI .. and do some adjustment to my lifestyle.

Ok gotta go now..will come back later... Have a nice day all.. 


  1. Committed yg tinggi walau BP tinggi kena jalankan tugas juga. Berdepan dgn files ber masalah lagi huh.... kenalah sabar dan tarik nafas panajng-panjang....

  2. Azwa..kesihatan pun penting..ingat anak2 dan cik abe tu.
    jaga makan.jaga kesihatan

  3. Salam dari Seoul Korea Uncle ucapkan selamat bertugas Dan berpuasa
    Azwa hypertension nikalau ikut ubat orang lama2
    kena makan banyak juice timun Dan juice peria katak tapi
    kalau tu semua tak menjadi jugak buat appointment
    Jumpa Uncle ok

  4. Kena jaga makan mokcik...jgn biarkan melarat...bahaya...

  5. Kakzakie,

    Salam kenalan. Selamat datang dan terima kasih sudi mampir ke pondok saya.

    Kerja kena diteruskan seperti biasa, tetapi dengan sedikit ubahsuai di sana sini dari segi pengurusan stress dan pemakanan juga..harap2 berkesan.

  6. kak..
    keje tu keje kesihatan kena jaga.
    peringatan utk diri sendiri juga :-)

  7. my oh my..hope you'll get better soon ye. take good care of your self.. work will never end no matter how hard you try to end it. makan ubat mokcikkkkk.....

  8. Azwa...BP naik because hypertension ni mmg banyak berlaku kat office skrg ni...yelah, masalah kerja yg tak habis-habis...azwa jaga diri baik2 tau sbb kat tempat saya, pernah officer pengsan terus dan kena strok pulak tu sbb BP and hypertension ni..terus rest 3 bulan...

    and azwa, tengok BP tinggi ni, kena KIV dululah nampaknye projek ayam coke tu..he he he..

    take care ye..

  9. mokcik...mkn kena jaga..

    p/s: dah lama x nmpak gambo2 makanan..:)

  10. Kak Erna.. betul kata2 akak tu..terima kasih

  11. Salam Uncle Al,

    Juice timun dengan peria katak tu..

    ok..camno nak buat appointment dengan uncle tu hahaha...

  12. Kak Anie..itu la sekali sekala bila ras sehat mula la lupa pantang makan huhu

  13. Irfa... memang benar tu..bp ni tak mengenal usia..elok cegah sebelum kena

  14. Marie,

    Itulah masa azwa di Ipoh dulu memang ada seorang kawan kena..terus dia tak boleh berkerja dengan berkesan selepas tu dan terpaksa diberhentikan.. jangan la sampai jadi macam tu huhuhu

    p/s.. tudung dengan jubah2 kat anjung kompleks E tu cantik2 la..harganya ok ker mahals? hehe

  15. Zue... itu la kenkadang lupa..bila tersa sihat sikit mula makan tak berpantang..

    kebelakangan ni tak sempat nak tangkap2 gambar makanan utk ditayang kat sini hehehe

  16. Azwa senang aje contact setiausaha Sweet Marie
    Minta appt for pooh kiri pooh kanan nah hilang
    BP terus turun 120/80 normal just bawa ayam
    Coke tergolek semua beres ahaha
